Do you or the youth in your life want to remain abstinent until marriage?  You’re not alone. Evangelicals are holding Purity Balls where teen-age girls pledge to wait until marriage to have sex, according to an online article in The Sun, a News UK company, at They do this in a ceremony where fathers and daughters dress up and dance. While they are having fun and bonding the fathers and daughters agree to the abstinence pledge and the daughters receive a purity ring which will be given to the daughters’ future husband.

A teen who attended a Purity Ball in Louisiana told Barcroft TV: “The Bible says that sex before marriage is a sin and I believe that.” According to the article, the Purity Movement, which has spread across 48 states, preaches that sex before marriage is a sin and tells stories about sexually transmitted diseases and the consequences of premarital pregnancy.

Urban Life Training created an abstinence-centered curriculum, available at its website You can check it out there and help other teens by subscribing and using its materials.

The curriculum includes the complete STAR (Students Teaching Abstinence and Responsibility) Leadership Training program.  Within STAR Leadership Training you will find Relationship Intelligence training, Peer Counseling, a New View of Fall, Video Clips for Discussion, Urban Life Videos, Other Videos for Discussion, Other Resources, Readings, The Divine Principle Diagramed Two House Lecture Manual, Spiritual Growth Principles, Pastor Hyung Jin Moon on Absolutely Good Sex, and Conclusion.

For example, an activity from Star Interfaith Leadership Training includes an activity about what consequences a teen faces after alcohol is consumed.  Attendees then discuss the consequences of teen-age drinking.  A slide presentation about guarding your future is given. The slide show talks about how one can achieve legitimate success though honesty. It also explains how you can create happiness in your life that will last. The presentation shows how to experience true freedom as opposed to freedom that can lead to being a slave to a bad habit or addiction.  Those who are clear about their future life goals tend to be happier and more successful. So a time is provided to the attendees to write down and discuss their life goals The attendees are asked to look at how to practically accomplish those goals.  Students discuss at what stage of life the majority of their major decisions will take place.  Research suggests it is in the teen and young adult years of life, according to the slide presentation. The slide show warns of dream robbers including AIDS, drinking and other STDs.

If you want more information about this curriculum go to or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and 202-544-5081.  


Abstinence Education Works! Watch and see how the work has unfolded and touched hundreds of lives in Washington DC.

A battle is going on between two different value systems. Although activist educators say that sex education policies are in the best interest of children, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Why does abstinence-centered sex education stir up so much acrimony?  Join us for this informative series on the Richard Urban show.

In 1996 Congress passed the Title V abstinence education program law.  This program (theoretically; in DC the funds were not actually used for abstinence education, for example) allotted funds to states that requested them for abstinence programs that had to follow these guidelines:

A. Has as its exclusive purpose, teaching the social, psychological and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity. 

B. Teaches abstinence from sexual activity outside marriage as the expected standard for all school-age children. 

C. Teaches that abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and other associated health problems. 

D. Teaches that a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity. 

E. Teaches that sexual activity outside of the context, of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects. 

F. Teaches that bearing children out-of-wedlock is likely to have harmful consequences for the child, the child's parents and society. 

G. Teaches young people how to reject sexual advances, and how alcohol and drug use increase vulnerability to sexual advances. 

H. Teaches the importance of attaining self-sufficiency before engaging in sexual activity. 

Pretty common sense, right?  

Not according to almost all of the candidates for School Board in Jefferson County West Virginia running in the May 8, 2018 nonpartisan contest.  At the We the People Candidates Forum on April 19,2018 at the Clarion Inn, Harpers Ferry, WV Tom Poteet, Donna Joy, Aaron Hackett, Laurie Ogden (reelected) and Kathryn Skinner (reelected) all said it was not appropriate to teach school age children that abstinence from sex before marriage is the expected standard.  Only Athena Roper (newly elected) said that she was interested in that approach, but had not yet heard about it.  Scott Suddoth was not present at the forum.

So, my question to the current, reelected and newly elected School Board members is; why would you not want to teach young people that the expected standard for school age children is abstinence from sex before marriage?  I hope that the School Board members and others will comment below. 

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